Forest View Elementary School
The state-of-the-art facility goes beyond classrooms, boasting a gym, cafeteria, and library. With innovative team teaching spaces and shared small group areas, students thrive in collaborative environments.
Everett, WA
Everett School District
Everett Public Schools conducted a detailed study of projected growth in their district and found that the south end of the district, in and around Mill Creek, would experience significant growth in the coming years. In an effort to proactively address their needs, the District proposed construction of a new elementary school on a site adjoining Gateway Middle School.
The District hired Dykeman to provide programming, a Master Plan, and schematic design for a 530-student, two-story school. In addition to classroom spaces, the building includes a gym, cafeteria, and library. Instructional spaces accommodate team teaching with shared small group instructional areas. Outdoor amenities include a covered play area, Little League baseball and U-12 soccer field, and opportunities for outdoor science education on the many nature trails surrounding the school.